Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!!!

Folks, people, everyone... Happy New Year 2010! Wishing you all a brighter new year. Enjoy your last moment with the 2009 and get ready with your resolutions!

Monday, December 28, 2009

(Passion of Traveling) February - March 2010

Hopefully next year, in 2010, I can give myself a big treat by traveling around Java and some part of Nusa Tenggara Timur (eastern part of Indonesia) . I am still searching for some info's, but haven't bought or booked anything yet because still waiting for my graduation.
So, I'll start my journey in February and here's my estimated schedule
10 - 28 February: Nusa Tenggara Timur (Kupang, Flores Island, and Sumba Island)

Kupang, the capital city of Nusa Tenggara Timur

the photo is courtesy of

Kelimutu, three - colored crater lake in Flores Island

the photo is courtesy of

I am thinking to go to Sumba in February because in this month and also March, they usually have a very cultural yet particular event in West Sumba called Pasola, which is an ancient war ritual festival by two groups of selected Sumbanese men. They ride their colorful decorated selected horses fling wooden spears at each other. This traditional ceremony held in the way of uniquely and sympathetically traditional norms. (from


the photo is courtesy of

Around March: Tegal and Pekalongan (still thinking of other cities)

Though, I like traveling alone, but you're welcome to join me, because that way makes it less expensive. Later in January, I'll post the exact itinerary and estimated budget for each destination. So get your backpack ready! =)

What's next on 2010?

2009... New Year... New Dreams need to be fulfilled... I'd made some and believe that God will help me finding the way to achieve long as I keep struggling and fighting. These are my objectives of the year:
1. Graduating from college

2. Traveling abroad at least once

3. Finding out what I want to do in the future for living
Hopefully by the end of this year, those will be already accomplished...Crossing my fingers!

On the 1st of January 2009, I wrote the above entry and you know
what? None of them I had accomplished in 2009. However, I think this year, I can and I surely will. In fact... I can check the first one out of the list, because finally... after that pretty damn (too) long period of college, I graduated some days ago. So it left me with the other two, traveling abroad and job. Well, it's still March and I think I already on my way to get them or at least one of them, so I think this year is gonna be great. Just wait for my next entries, maybe I'm gonna add the list more... So exciting! 

Friday, December 25, 2009

...Buon Natale...

...Feliz Navidad...
...Merry Christmas...
...Selamat Hari Natal...

Thursday, December 24, 2009

A Letter to Tuhan (part 2)

Terima kasih banyak Tuhan... Atas begitu banyak bantuan yang selalu diberikan. Terima kasih. Ini semua berkah dari Mu.

at 02.52 am at home and finally have finished the final report

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Italia, 2004 (2a Parte)

At a bus station, waiting with other AFS students to go to our very 1st orientation camp in Alghero, Sardinia. It was in October 2003.

*the photo is courtesy of Anadel Rodriguez (Dominican Republic). Grazie!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Italia, 2004 (1a Parte)

Thinking of writing something about my experience when I was in Italy, but I know I don't have much time now, so I just uploaded this photo. This is when I was in Ivrea, Piedmont (Piemonte, in italian) after getting the second place on a photography competition. I decided to do a traditional dance, so I brought all the stuff and then... there I was, with the two photos I took that had brought me to Ivrea and of course, dressed in Indonesian traditional dancing costume =)

The L.A.M.B.

While I was working on my internship report or laporan magang in bahasa few days ago, I found a good short form of its name. The L.A.M.B. or... Laporan Akhir Magang B....... (Fill in the blank as your mood mode). It could be "bagus", or "baik", or "bermakna", but anytime my relationship with it gets worse, my mood gets worse too and surely you know I can make that B... into something even "better"... hahahhahaha. Yeah, whatever!
Well, well, well. I just need to put a little bit more strength to finish this hard-to-bite lamb chop. Forza!

at 23.14 pm at home and still finishing the final report

Thursday, December 17, 2009

My Letter to Tuhan (Part 1)

Dear Tuhan,

Apa kabar hari ini Tuhan??? Aku yakin selalu baik... Aku percaya itu.
Tuhan yang selalu baik, sudah lama aku ingin menulis surat ini kepada Tuhan. Tapi baru sekarang aku sempatkan, karena hari ini Tuhan telah, sekali lagi dan untuk kesekian kalinya, menyadarkan aku pada indahnya bersujud dan berserah pada Mu, bersandar pada Mu. Pada damainya berpelukan dengan sajadah Mu. Pada hangatnya bercengkerama dengan diri Mu.

Tuhan, jangan pernah tinggalkan diri ini. Tolong. Genggam terus tangan ini. Tolong.

Ah Tuhan, terima kasih untuk semua ini... Rasa ini, air mata ini, cobaan... Bukan! Jalan menuju kebahagiaan ini. Ya, itu dia. untuk jalan menuju yang terbaik ini. Terima kasih.

at 22.35 pm at home and while finishing the final report

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

"When You Love Someone" by Endah N Rhesa

Saturday, November 7 2009

Aku + Dirinya = Beku, Kaku, Kosong, Hampa, Diam, semua yang mendung

Tapi mendengar suatu lagu indah dari Endah N’ Rhesa yang begitu…diriku. Layaknya lagu ini diciptakan untuk keadaan saat ini.

I love you but it's not so easy to make you here with me

I wanna touch and hold you forever

But you're still in my dream

I can't stand to wait till' night is coming to my life

I still have a time to break a silence

When you love someone

Just be brave to say

That you want him to be with you

When you hold your love

Don't ever let it go

Or you will lose your chance to make your dreams come true

I used to hide and watch you from a distance

And I knew you realized

I was looking for a time to get closer at least to say hello

And I can't stand to wait your love is coming to my life

When you love someone

Just be brave to say

That you want him to be with you

When you hold your love

Don't ever let it go

Or you will lose your chance to make your dreams come true

And I never thought that I'm so strong

I stuck on you and wait so long

But when love comes, it can't be wrong

Don't ever give up

Just try and try to get what you want

Coz love will find the way

When you love someone

Just be brave to say

That you want him to be with you

When you hold your love

Don't ever let it go

Or you will lose your chance to make your dreams come true

When you love someone

That you want him to be with you

When you hold your love

Don't ever let it go

Or you will lose your chance to make your dreams come true

Ketika cinta datang, itu tidak akan pernah salah. Karena cinta itu anugerah. Karena itu sudah di luar kuasa manusia. Yang ada cukup pasrah, tapi jangan menyerah. Ikuti saja terus permainan selanjutnya. Percaya! bahwa semua itu indah pada waktunya.

A week full of inspirations

Sunday, October 18 2009

Mengalami minggu yang penuh dengan petunjuk dan inspirasi. Dari teman - teman seangkatan AFS 2004. Ninit, Titis, Meza. Justru di minggu dimana dibutuhkan begitu banyak petunjuk, karena di minggu yang sama keputusan besar sudah diambil berdasarkan sebuah keyakinan kuat yang datang di pagi hari ketika bangun dari tidur. Ninit bilang, “when you do an extreme way, you’ll get an extreme result”. Terus kalo kata Titis, “Why do you have the rush when you have the rest of your life?”. Sedangkan Meza bercerita tentang orang tua nya yang mendasarkan keputusan penting atas perasaan mereka masing – masing dari sholat dan sholat. Berserah pada keputusan Allah. Kalaupun takdir tidak bisa menyatukan, setidaknya itu adalah keputusan dari Tuhan, bukan keputusan labil dari diri ini. Setidaknya itu sudah yang terbaik menurut Tuhan, yang Maha Mengetahui segala - galanya.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Happy 30th Wedding Anniversary to my mom and dad

Two weeks ago, as of Feb 11th 2009, our family celebrated my parents’ 30th wedding anniversary…WOW, 30 years of being together. My parents have been through so many rocky roads and they are still like when they were just married (at least that’s what they told me…hahhahahaa! Of course I do believe them. They’re my parents after all). The funniest thing of the night was that my father gave my mom a pair of home – made slipper which he found accidentally on our way back home after looking over my sister’s wedding venue as the ANNIVERSARY GIFT and what came more surprisingly was that those cost only IDR 3000/pair. What a laugh! However, my mom was very happy either way, because she always knows… and we all do that my father never do even give gifts, so those were still meant something to her. We enjoyed the occasion with great foods and lots of laugh at our own 20-year-old warm house.

Happy 30th Wedding Anniversary, Mama! Papa! I love you both so deeply much. Thank you for always loving each other which has been making our house as a truly home for us.

The 3000 rupiah/pair home - made slipper

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Betapa sakitnya sariawan!

Setelah sekian lama sudah tidak pernah kena sariawan, akhirnya inilah minggunya terkena sariawan dahsyat nan gedang alias besar yang terletak di sebelah kiri mulut. Ya ampyuuun, sakit banget! Rasanya sakit sampai menusuk jiwa....*Alah!
Hmmm...anyway, apa ya bahasa inggrisnya sariawan? anyone knows?
Mungkin skyextract kali ya.....hehehhehehe ^_^

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The movie list - valid until Feb 28th 2009

Cadillac Records (Beyonce Knowles, Adrien Brody)

*Courtesy of

Changeling (Angelina Jolie; John Malkovich)

*Courtesy of

Monday, February 9, 2009

Che bello!

Ho trovato una cosa molto inteligente!
Ho scoperto che ho potuto mettere tipo un dizionario inglese - italiano virtuoso per il mio blog. Bello no? Cosi posso scrivere in italiano e mi capite lo stesso...

Che figo!

Sedang Bingung

Waaahhh tidak enak rasanya jadi bingung!
Bingung saat kamu tak tahu apa yang harus kamu lakukan. Jika sudah bingung karena diri sendiri tidak tahu jawabannya (pastinya! makanya disebut bingung), maka saatnya mencari jawabannya dari orang terdekat, seperti kakak dan teman teman. Tapi apa jadinya jika dari mereka pun kamu gak bisa dapat jawabannya? Mungkin kalo kita tanya ke orang tua, pasti jawabannya adalah untuk bertanya kepada-Nya, which is absolutely not wrong either....Indeed, it's the best way! I know I can get the most definite answer only from God...
Tapi kemudian, somehow, kamu sadari bahwa yang kamu butuhkan bukanlah jawaban apalagi consolation. Yang kamu butuhkan adalah sebuah pembenaran. Pembenaran atas tindakan yang mau kamu lakukan. Jadi sebenarnya kamu hanya bingung apakah yang akan kamu lakukan itu sudah cukup benar atau tidak...

Nah sekarang bagaimana caranya kita mau tahu itu benar atau tidak untuk dilakukan? Caranya apa? Ya hanya tinggal melakukan itu dan dari hasilnya kamu pasti akan tahu sekaligus belajar apakah tindakan seperti itu bisa benar atau gak. Well, though it could come up with a gray answer, but at least you surely would be over with that damn curiosity....

Have a nice try then, people!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Dreams of the year

New Year...
New Dreams need to be fulfilled...
I'd made some and believe that God will help me finding the way to achieve long as I keep struggling and fighting.

These are my objectives of the year:
1. Graduating from college
2. Traveling abroad at least once
3. Finding out what I want to do in the future for living

Hopefully by the end of this year, those will be already accomplished...Crossing my fingers!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Can I just sleep all day long???

Well, well, well!!! Yesterday was my first day of the internship I'll do till' the next 5 months. It was soooo......confusing rather than exciting. I felt so ...empty and blank. Really didn't know what to do! And even today, as my second day I didn't really expect to be soooo...sleepy! God, I am really in a shitty situation. I wish I could escape at once!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

What will happen tomorrow???

When the 1st of January 2009 is almost finished, I can't help but wonder...
What will happen to me tomorrow? and the next day? as well as the day after that day? or next month? Wow, I put curiosity inside my head, but why? Simply just because I've decided this year will be better than next year and I will become a more humble person. Achievements are what I'm definitely going to catch and I'm ready for anything.

A note on the 1st day of 2009

On my bed at 01:57 am WIB time (00:07 GMT)

When I decided to start writing again, I was thinking of what I should put down and perhaps nothing is better than acknowledge the 2008 which has just gone away, because through the whole year I experienced more than I imagined. A lot more... It seems to me that God was too generous to me and life had never been this extravagant. I see 2008 as my year. A year of learning, of ultimate happiness and maximum sadness... A year so extraordinary and yet tasteful! So special.

I perceive 2008 as a chance to go to Thailand for the first time and meet some wonderful new friends, as my last year of devoting for Student Senate FEUI after heartily being committed for almost 2 years, as the first and last experience of being a campaign manager and understanding that politics is tremendously f**king s**t!, as one lifetime experience of traveling around Spain, Morocco, Italy for nearly 3 months and being stolen for more than 800 euro in cash even my damn passport (I cried a lot this moment. It's like I used up all my tears), and my year of coming back to my second home in Sardegna Italy.

To conclude it all, now I understand that I need to compromise with life and also to believe that dreams are what I suppose to build before every single step I want to take.

And just like that, I am starting this new year with breathe and smile.

*Courtesy of SM FEUI 2007/2008 (3rd photo)
*Courtesy of Rizki Nauli Siregar (4th photo)

- CUIC in Bangkok, Thailand -

- with Maite in A Coruna, Spain -

- Student Senate FEUI 2007/2008 -

- Campaigning -

- Arbatax, Sardegna -