Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Happy 30th Wedding Anniversary to my mom and dad

Two weeks ago, as of Feb 11th 2009, our family celebrated my parents’ 30th wedding anniversary…WOW, 30 years of being together. My parents have been through so many rocky roads and they are still like when they were just married (at least that’s what they told me…hahhahahaa! Of course I do believe them. They’re my parents after all). The funniest thing of the night was that my father gave my mom a pair of home – made slipper which he found accidentally on our way back home after looking over my sister’s wedding venue as the ANNIVERSARY GIFT and what came more surprisingly was that those cost only IDR 3000/pair. What a laugh! However, my mom was very happy either way, because she always knows… and we all do that my father never do even give gifts, so those were still meant something to her. We enjoyed the occasion with great foods and lots of laugh at our own 20-year-old warm house.

Happy 30th Wedding Anniversary, Mama! Papa! I love you both so deeply much. Thank you for always loving each other which has been making our house as a truly home for us.

The 3000 rupiah/pair home - made slipper

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Betapa sakitnya sariawan!

Setelah sekian lama sudah tidak pernah kena sariawan, akhirnya inilah minggunya terkena sariawan dahsyat nan gedang alias besar yang terletak di sebelah kiri mulut. Ya ampyuuun, sakit banget! Rasanya sakit sampai menusuk jiwa....*Alah!
Hmmm...anyway, apa ya bahasa inggrisnya sariawan? anyone knows?
Mungkin skyextract kali ya.....hehehhehehe ^_^

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The movie list - valid until Feb 28th 2009

Cadillac Records (Beyonce Knowles, Adrien Brody)

*Courtesy of

Changeling (Angelina Jolie; John Malkovich)

*Courtesy of

Monday, February 9, 2009

Che bello!

Ho trovato una cosa molto inteligente!
Ho scoperto che ho potuto mettere tipo un dizionario inglese - italiano virtuoso per il mio blog. Bello no? Cosi posso scrivere in italiano e mi capite lo stesso...

Che figo!

Sedang Bingung

Waaahhh tidak enak rasanya jadi bingung!
Bingung saat kamu tak tahu apa yang harus kamu lakukan. Jika sudah bingung karena diri sendiri tidak tahu jawabannya (pastinya! makanya disebut bingung), maka saatnya mencari jawabannya dari orang terdekat, seperti kakak dan teman teman. Tapi apa jadinya jika dari mereka pun kamu gak bisa dapat jawabannya? Mungkin kalo kita tanya ke orang tua, pasti jawabannya adalah untuk bertanya kepada-Nya, which is absolutely not wrong either....Indeed, it's the best way! I know I can get the most definite answer only from God...
Tapi kemudian, somehow, kamu sadari bahwa yang kamu butuhkan bukanlah jawaban apalagi consolation. Yang kamu butuhkan adalah sebuah pembenaran. Pembenaran atas tindakan yang mau kamu lakukan. Jadi sebenarnya kamu hanya bingung apakah yang akan kamu lakukan itu sudah cukup benar atau tidak...

Nah sekarang bagaimana caranya kita mau tahu itu benar atau tidak untuk dilakukan? Caranya apa? Ya hanya tinggal melakukan itu dan dari hasilnya kamu pasti akan tahu sekaligus belajar apakah tindakan seperti itu bisa benar atau gak. Well, though it could come up with a gray answer, but at least you surely would be over with that damn curiosity....

Have a nice try then, people!